You will find a lot of tips for flying with babies. The truth is you can’t follow all of them as some are so obvious. You’ll wonder why anyone pointed them out. For example: bring a durable stroller. Really? I never would have thought to bring a durable stroller while travelling. Another one that I got a kick out of was schedule the flight around your baby’s sleep schedule. Yeah, if you have the luxury of doing this, do it. But, most of us need to find the cheapest flight possible and we don’t have the luxury to worry about time of day. Plus, the flight to your Tropical Destination Vacation will probably be long enough that your baby won’t be sleeping the entire time no matter what! So, here are some tips that you might not have thought of and that you might be able to do:


All travelers are required to do TSA screening when traveling. However, children under 12 or younger need to do a modified screening procedure. Flying with babies would fall into that category. Children under 12 years do not require to remove their shoes, light jackets during the screening process. Also, children will not be separated from parents or guardians. Babies are required to be removed from their strollers during the walk through the metal detectors. Please check the TSA website for more information on transporting baby formula, breast milk and juices when flying with babies.

Get bulkhead seats when flying with babies

A lot of us can’t get a second seat for our child, but we can choose the bulkhead seats to give us extra room. So, make sure to choose the bulkhead seats if they are still available. If the bulkhead is not available, then you should choose an aisle seat

Don’t Pack Light (for the baby)

For yourself, you must pack light. Sadly, you don’t have the luxury of bringing your entire wardrobe. For your baby, however, this is not going to be the case. Pack heavy, bring more than you think you’ll need and plan to just throw out dirty ones. You can also look up the Transportation Security Association (T.S.A.), website for the guide lines on transporting baby formula.

Don’t be Embarrassed

Yes, if your baby is awake, he or she will almost definitely cry on the plane. It’s just going to happen. But most people are understanding and, while they might be annoyed, they understand that babies are very uncomfortable on planes. So, they empathize and, if anything, they will feel bad for you and your baby. Anyone who doesn’t feel bad also doesn’t have a heart, so that should help you overcome your embarrassment.

Please contact Tropical Destination Vacations to assist with your travel plans.

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