Our visit to Kruger National Park in South Africa was a remarkable African Safari for my family. We saw a large number of African wildlife. It is one of South Africa’s most renowned nature reserves and a must-see destination on any African safari. Visitors to the Kruger National Park are in for an unforgettable experience.

Group to Kruger National Park

Located in the northern part of South Africa, the park is home to some of the world’s most iconic wildlife species. From cheetahs and hippos to the Big Five – lion, leopard, buffalo, elephant and rhinoceros. As a matter of fact, the park is home to an impressive variety of wildlife, including 147 mammal species, 517 bird species, 114 reptile species and 33 amphibian species.

African wildlife
Elephant in one of Africa nature reserves
Wild hogs in Africa nature reserves of Kruger Park

Visiting Kruger National Park is the ultimate African safari experience for tourists looking for adventure and close encounters with African wildlife. As there are plenty of opportunities to spot animals in their natural habitat. The park also boasts of diverse landscapes ranging from grasslands and savannahs to rivers and mountains.

Family after our African Safari

This was our family first visit to South Africa. In fact, it was our first visit to the African continent. The trip created several unforgettable memories. Although the Kruger National Park was a small component of our South Africa vacation.  It was one of the highlights of our trip. We spent three days exploring the nature reserves. From my personal experience, I can assure you that there are a lot of activities for any first timer to the park.

History of Kruger National Park

Kruger National Park is a renowned wildlife refuge in South Africa that has drawn visitors from around the world for over a century. Established in 1898 as the Sabi Game Reserve. The park was initially just 6,000 square kilometers in size. As the number of animals increased, so did the park’s area, with its current boundaries being over 20,000 square kilometers.

 Visitors to Kruger can also observe a wide variety of plants in the park’s diverse habitats. The park is also home to archaeological sites that date back centuries and are evidence of the long human history of the region.

Best time to visit Kruger Park

Kruger National Park is one of the world’s most amazing African wildlife reserves. No wonder it is a popular tourist destination for travelers from all over the world. When planning a visit to Kruger, it is important to consider what season you will be visiting.

The dry winter months from May to September are generally the best time to visit. During that period the vegetation is less dense, and animals tend to congregate around water sources. This makes spotting wildlife much easier. In addition, temperatures are more temperate during this period with cool nights and warm days. The summer months of October to April can be hot and humid, so it is best to avoid these months if possible.

Family enjoying during African Safari game drive in one of Africa nature reserves.

As a matter of fact, that was the reason we visited the park in July 2022. The weather was perfect, although the early mornings were miserable cold. The amazing part was the weather warmed up when the sun came up. I would recommend a light sweater because the drives begin before sunrise. You should wear something that can be peeled off as the day gets warmer. It was hard to believe how the temperature changed. In fact, the day was warm and almost hot.

Our Safari

Our African safari began by coach from Johannesburg. It was a picturesque drive with Some stops for stretching legs and viewing the countryside. There were several amazing sites along the way but a stop at an area called “Gods Window” was memorable. Being at a high elevation you could see several miles away. We could see the neighboring country of Mozambique. That was possible because it was a very clear day.

We arrived late in the evening at the Protea Hotel. It is located on the outskirts of the nature reserves on the banks of the Sabie River. The hotel was impressive as African wildlife could be seen on the property. In addition, dinner was outdoors with a huge bonfire at the center of the dining area.

Dinner at the Kruger hotel near one of nature best reserves

Several accommodation options are also available at the African Wildlife reserve. They vary from luxurious accommodations to rustic camping sites in the wild. For those on a budget there are also several self-catering bungalows located within the park itself. There are also restaurants providing meals at various times throughout the day if visitors need a break from cooking their own food.

Our African safari drive began at 5:00 AM the next morning. I must say it was miserable cold, although I had an extra layer of clothing. One early morning we came across a pack of lions relaxing in the middle of the road. They did not move an inch on our arrival. It appeared we were trespassers. The lions did not want to be disturbed. At one point the male in the herd strolled to the vehicles and began roaring. Everyone was perplexed and watched in awe. After several minutes the herd calmly walked into the bushes.

Things to Do

From game drives in open vehicles to guided bush walks and bird watching tours, you can explore the park in all its glory. There’s something for everyone in this sprawling 20,000 sq km nature reserves. Whether you’re an experienced safari-goer or a first timer.

If you’re planning a trip to Kruger National Park, there are some important things to consider. They are valuable in planning a visit to this world-renowned wildlife park:

  • Make sure that you book a Game Drive – Taking a game drive in an open vehicle is one of the best ways to explore the park and get up close and personal with wildlife.
  • Guided Bush Walks – For those looking for a more intimate experience, guided bush walks are available where you can observe animals in their natural habitat.
  • Bird Watching Tours – Kruger is home to an incredible array of birds, so why not take a guided bird watching tour and spot some rare species?
  • Educational Activities – Kruger National Park also offers educational activities and talks on conversation issues and traditional culture.
  • The park also offers a variety of activities such as night drives and river cruises which are great ways to experience Kruger’s wildlife.
African wildlife
Buffalo in one of Africa nature reserves
African wildlife in nature reserves of South Afica.


Although our family safari holiday in Kruger national Park did not include guided bush walks, bird watching tours or educational activities, it did provide unforgettable experiences. It is a trip for all ages. My entire family was impressed with not only the open jeep but also the numerous animals we saw in one of the world’s best nature reserves. We were very satisfied at the end of our three-night stay.

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